Omnisphere 2.6 includes a stunning new “Hardware Library” with over 1,600 new patches created by Eric Persing and the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development team. Each hardware profile has a corresponding set of sounds in the Hardware Library which were specially designed using that hardware synth as an Omnisphere controller.
Since the announcement of Omnisphere 2 at this years’ NAMM 2015, we have had a lot of enquiries into what users are to expect with Omnisphere 2. This article includes a list of answers to these questions which keep popping up.
What is new in Omnisphere 2?
There are many new and exciting features to Omnisphere 2. Our quick top 10 (in no particular order) most interesting features would be:
1. Audio Import – Use your own audio files as a soundsource in Omnisphere 2
2. Over 400 New DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator – an increase of 100X
3. Over 4,000 new Patches, Soundsources and Multis
4. 25 new Effects Racks
5. Sound Match – Instantly locate any related sound in the library
6. Sound Lock – Lock parameters to keep these settings while you browse
7. New Interface – Redesigned wider interface with mini-browser available at all times
8. 10 morphing Wavetable Oscillators per Patch
9. Powerful new Granular Synthesis – Manipulate from subtle tweaks to beyond recognition
10. Enhanced Modulation Control – with new sources and many more targets
…and much more!
Are Omnisphere 1 and Omnisphere 2 different instruments/products?
No. Omnisphere 2 is simply the next major version of Omnisphere. Everything from version 1 is included in Omnisphere 2 of course!
If I already own Omnisphere, is there an Upgrade to Omnisphere 2?
Yes. If you already are an Omnisphere customer, you are eligible for the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade!
How is the Upgrade delivered?
The Omnisphere 2 Upgrade package will be shipped on 30th April 2015. The upgrade package includes an upgrade code. The Omnisphere 2 upgrade will be a 17 GB download which will be made available through your Spectrasonics user account, once you have registered your upgrade code.
Will the Omnisphere 2 Upgrade be available as a physical product?
Not at this time. The Spectrasonics download service is highly reliable though… even with slower connections.
Will Omnisphere 2 replace my Omnisphere plug-in?
Yes. Omnisphere 2 is the next version of Omnisphere. The Omnisphere 2 Upgrade contents (17GB) will merge with the existing Omnisphere 1 library and become one product, replacing Omnisphere 1 as a plug-in.
When opening older projects which uses a patch from Omni 1, will they load the same?
Absolutely – it is still Omnisphere! Version 2 is fully backwards compatible with version 1 projects.
Will custom saved patches/multis be effected when upgrading to Omnisphere 2?
They will open and operate the same as always.
Will the audio import in Omnisphere 2 be for single samples or multi-samples?
It is one sample of any length per soundsource. You can layer up to two soundsources in a patch and 8 patches in a multi.
Keep in mind that Omnisphere’s focus is as a synthesizer and will never be a sampler with multiple velocities, key-mapping, round-robin, etc. – there are other instruments out there that do that very well.
The idea here is to easily turn your audio files and even your audio tracks/mixes into synthesis source for Omnisphere 2s powerful oscillators. You’d be amazed at how much you can creatively mangle one sound and make something amazing!
What if I recently purchased Omnisphere? Do I have to pay the full upgrade price?
No. The good news is that there’s a grace period free upgrade available from the Spectrasonics site if you have purchased Omnisphere between October 2014 thru to May 2015. This also means that if you do not currently own Omnisphere, you can buy Omnisphere 1 now and you can upgrade to Omnisphere 2 for free after April 30.
Will the full Omnisphere 2 be available as a download or on a USB drive for installation?
Yes, there will be alternative forms of installation available optionally to registered users in addition to the included set of 8 DVD-ROMs that comes in the box.
However, it’s important to note that all Spectrasonics instruments are sold exclusively as physical boxed product through authorized resellers like Time & Space. Currently, Spectrasonics is shipping its instruments including multiple DVD-ROMs.
However, Spectrasonics is keenly aware that many users no longer have computers with optical drives and there are numerous scenarios when the convenience of downloading or the speed of a USB drive would be a preferred form of installation for different users.
To address all the various user needs and scenarios, Spectrasonics is starting a new Support Services area of their tech shop that will offer Alternative Installation USB Drives and Additional Download Installations for optional purchase. These services are available directly from Spectrasonics for registered users. The price of the Alternative USB Drive service will be $40 and the Additional Download Installation service price is $10.
The great news for new users is that the Omnisphere 2 box includes a 25% Off discount coupon towards these support services.
What are the minimum system requirement for Omnisphere 2?
Same system requirement to current Omnisphere:
- 2.4 GHz or higher processor
- 4GB RAM minimum, 8GB or more recommended
- Dual Layer compatible DVD-ROM drive
- (Optional USB Drive/Download installations available)
- 64GB of free hard drive space
Mac Users:
Omnisphere 2 Crack
- OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion or higher
- Intel dual core processor or higher
- AU, VST 2.4 or higher, RTAS or AAX capable host software
- Audio Unit plugin requires host with support for “Cocoa” based plugins
- Native 64-bit and 32-bit on OSX
- 6GB of RAM or more if using the Sample File Server
Windows Users:

- VST 2.4 or higher, RTAS or AAX capable host software
- Microsoft Windows 8/7/Vista
- Native 64-bit and 32-bit on Windows
For more details on Omnisphere 2, check out the below Omnisphere 2.0 video filmed at the 2015 NAMM Show by our good friends over at Sonic State.
Omnisphere 2.5 - Endless Possibilities
Omnisphere® ist der Flaggschiff-Synthesizer von Spectrasonics - ein Instrument von außergewöhnlicher Kraft und Vielseitigkeit. Top-Künstler auf der ganzen Welt vertrauen auf Omnisphere als wesentliche Quelle klanglicher Inspiration. Diese preisgekrönte Software vereint viele verschiedene Arten der Synthese in einem erstaunlich klingenden Instrument, das eine lebenslange Entdeckungsreise anstoßen wird. Mit der Version 2.5 bietet Omnisphere als erster Softwaresynthesizer der Welt eine Hardware-Synth-Integration, die über 30 bekannte Hardware-Synthesizer in umfangreiche Hands-on-Controller verwandelt.
Omnisphere 2.5 ist jetzt als KOSTENLOSES Update für alle registrierten Omnisphere 2 Benutzer verfügbar!
Bundle: Omnisphere 2 & Tutorial Video - Damit Sie sofort voll loslegen können, empfehlen wir Ihnen, das HandsOn Omnisphere Tutorial Video (Download/deutsch) gleich zum günstigen Bundle Preis mitzubestellen.
Hardware Synth Integration
With the version 2.5, Omnisphere becomes the first software synth in the world to offer a Hardware Synth Integration feature, which transforms over 30 well-known hardware synthesizers into extensive hands-on controllers that unlock Omnisphere’s newly expanded synthesis capabilities. Simply put, this ground-breaking new feature makes using Omnisphere feel just like using a hardware synth!
This remarkable innovation bridges the physical experience gap between software and hardware, giving users intuitive control of Omnisphere by using the familiar layout of their supported hardware synth. Virtual instrument users can at last experience the joy of the hardware synth workflow and hardware synth users can now fully expand their capabilities into the vast sonic world of Omnisphere!
List of Supported Hardware
Access Virus A | Access Virus B
Clavia Nord Lead 1 | Clavia Nord Lead 2
Dave Smith OB-6 | Dave Smith Prophet 12 | Dave Smith REV2
Korg Minilogue | Korg Monologue | Korg Prologue
Moog Little Phatty | Moog Slim Phatty | Moog Sub 37 | Moog Sub Phatty | Moog Subsequent 37 | Moog Voyager
Novation Bass Station II | Novation Circuit Mono Station | Novation Peak
Roland JP-08 | Roland JU-06 | Roland JX-03 | Roland SE-02 | Roland SH-01A | Roland System-1 | Roland System-1m | Roland System-8 | Roland VP-03
Sequential Prophet 6 | Sequential Prophet X
Studiologic Sledge
Hardware Sound Library
Omnisphere 2.5 includes a stunning new “Hardware Library” with over 1,000 new patches created by Eric Persing and the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development team. Each hardware profile has a corresponding set of sounds in the Hardware Library which were specially designed using that hardware synth as an Omnisphere controller. These inspiring new sounds feature a wide range of categories and many have a distinctly ‘classic analog’ flavor! Best of all, the new sounds are available for ALL users, regardless of using the hardware or not!
Vastly Expanded Synthesis Engine
- Four Layers per patch!
- State Variable Filters
- Over 500 DSP Wavetables
- Powerful New Granular Synthesis
- 8 LFOs, 12 ENVs, 34 Filter Types per part
- Doubled Mod Matrix
- Full FX Modulation
Hw Tab In Omnisphere 2 Download
Audio Import
Hw Tab In Omnisphere 2 0
You can use your own audio file as a soundsource in Omnisphere, simply by dragging it onto the interface! Go wild with using the new Granular Synthesis, Harmonia, Innerspace and many other creative tools inside Omnisphere!
High Resolution Interface
Omnishere 2.5 supports a newly redesigned, high resolution interface with support for HiDPI displays. The modernized GUI is now easier to use and resizable to fit comfortably into your workspace.
Includes over 14,000 sounds!
Since the beginning, Omnisphere has been the sonic weapon of choice for creative players and producers in search of next level sounds on hit records, bestselling games and Oscar-winning films. Omnisphere’s amazing sound library is constantly growing and being pushed in fresh directions by the award-winning Spectrasonics Sound Development Team.
57 FX Units
Innerspace | Quad Resonators | Thriftshop Speaker | Classic Twin | Bassman | Hi-Wattage | Rock Stack | Brit-Vox | Boutique | San-Z-Amp | Stompbox Modeler | Metalzone Distortion | Toxic Smasher | Foxxy Fuzz | Analog Phaser | Analog Flanger | Analog Chorus | Analog Vibrato | Solina Ensemble | Vintage Tremolo | Envelope Filter | Crying Wah | Stomp-Comp | Precision Compressor | Studio 2-Band EQ | Vintage Compressor | Modern Compressor | Gate Expander | Vintage 2-Band EQ | Vintage 3-Band EQ | Graphic 7-Band EQ | Graphic 12-Band EQ | Parametric 2-Band EQ | Parametric 3-Band EQ | Formant Filter | Power Filter | Valve Radio | Flame Distortion | Smoke Amp | Ultra Chorus | Retro-Phaser | Pro-Phaser | EZ-Phaser | Retro-Flanger | Flanger | Chorus Echo | BPM Delay | BPM Delay X2 | BPM Delay X3 | Radio Delay | Retroplex | Pro-Verb | EZ-Verb | Spring Reverb | Imager
Additional Highlights
- Standalone Application now included!
- New Live Mode interface for touch screens
- Enhanced Orb with Attractor mode
- Satellite Instrument support for Trilian and Keyscape
- -and more!
Omnisphere 2.5 Features
- Now includes over 14,000 inspiring sounds for all types of music production
- Ground-breaking Hardware Synth Integration allows hands-on control of Omnisphere
- Audio Import - Use your own audio file as a soundsource
- Over 500 DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator
- Sound Match™ feature instantly locates any related sounds in the library
- Hardware Library with distinct ‘classic analog’ flavor
- Spotlight - EDM library with next-level, modern sounds
- Powerful Granular Synthesis for amazing transformations
- 57 incredible FX Units, which are fully integrated and can be modulated
- Creative “Psychoacoustic” sounds from the renowned Spectrasonics sound design team
- Sound Lock™ feature gives endless useful variations by locking sound aspects while browsing
- Wavetable Synthesis - Each waveform is a Morphing Wavetable
- ORB circular motion interface allows infinitely-shifting variations
- Deeper FM/Ring Modulation capabilities for aggressive timbres
- Dual Filter architecture includes more than 34 Filter algorithms in series or parallel
- Performance-oriented Live Mode allows for seamless patch layering on the fly
- Flex-Mod™ modulation system allows powerful, modular-style matrix routing
- Stack Mode interface allows for complex patch-layering, splits, and crossfades
- Mini-Browser available at all times plus larger Full Browser design
- Up to 20 oscillators per patch can be either DSP synth or sample-based
- High Resolution resizable Interface with “Zooming” into deeper synthesis levels
- Eight independent Arpeggiators with unique Groove Lock™ feature
- Polyphonic Timbre Shifting/Crushing, Waveshaping and Reduction
- Eight full-featured LFOs per patch, with syncing and complex waveforms
- Twelve Envelopes with both simple ADSR-style or advanced multi-breakpoint interfaces
- Easy Sound/Project Sharing for collaborators and third-party libraries
- Sample-based soundsources can be processed with synthesis features
- …and much, much more!
“Keyscape Creative”
The “Keyscape Creative” library is a cutting-edge collection of over 1200 Omnisphere patches specially designed to showcase the power of combining Keyscape and Omnisphere 2. Owners of Omnispehre 2 and Keyscape can update their products to get the new patches, which then appear in Omnisphere 2’s patch browser as a new directory.
Fazit (Auszug)
Das enorme Kreativpotential, das in vielen Instrumenten der Library steckt, sucht seinesgleichen. Eric Persing und seine Crew haben sich in puncto Klangdesign selbst übertroffen. Aufwand und Mühen wurden dabei nicht gescheut, man denke nur an die Schlauchbootfahrt durch eine Höhlenlandschaft, mit dem Ziel, den Klang von Stalaktiten als tonale Percussion einzufangen.
Minimum Anforderung:
- 2.4 Ghz oder höher
- 8 GB Ram oder mehr
- freier Festplattenspeicher entsprechend der Library Größe
- OSX 10.11 oder neuer
- Intel Dual Prozessor
- AU / VST 2.4+ / AAX (64 Bit) kompatible Software
Hw Tab In Omnisphere 2 5
- Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
- VST 2.4+ / AAX (64 Bit) kompatible Software
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