While only being an incremental update, Serato 1.7.2 has come out of beta and brings all manner of goodies to the tables. Yosemite support is front and centre, along with MIDI out so that your external controllers can do more than just sit there all dark.
- Serato Scratch Live Software
- Echo Out Serato Scratch Live For Mac
- Echo Out Serato Scratch Live Download
- Echo Out Serato Scratch Live App
Post Fader DJ-FX with Rane Mixers Post-Fader DJ-FX A great feature of the Rane Sixty-One, Sixty-Two, and Sixty-Eight mixers is the ability to route the Serato Scratch Live DJ-FX plug-in through the Rane mixer for post-fader software effects. Mar 23, 2011 When even DJ Puzzle can't easily figure out your control layout, you might want to consider a redesign. Rane TTM 57SL Mixer And Serato Scratch Live: Wriggity-Wrapup Time.
There’s more than that, and here’s the full rundown from Serato HQ:
Serato is proud to announce the release of Serato DJ 1.7.2, available to download now from serato.com/dj.
Serato DJ 1.7.2 – The latest update for Serato DJ includes official support for OS X Yosemite, Midi Output Lighting, Sticker Lock, Instant Start for motorised platters and support for a new update to Serato Remote, version 1.2. All of this is available alongside a large number of bug fixes and stability improvements.
Serato Scratch Live Software
Serato CEO, AJ Bertenshaw says: “The version 1.7.2 release of Serato DJ marks a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to respond to all the great feedback we’ve had since the launch of this platform, with a host of features that have been requested by our long standing Scratch Live customers. We’re also continually improving the feature set, while being committed to always raising the bar on stability to give DJs peace of mind. I also want to give a huge thanks to everyone that participated in the public beta!”
Serato DJ 1.7.2
OS X Yosemite Support
- Now with official support for OS X Yosemite.
MIDI Output Lighting
- With Serato DJ 1.7.2 you can now map various features to your secondary MIDI controller and have the LED’s illuminate in response to your actions. Create custom mappings that are highly visible in the club.
- Watch a tutorial video on MIDI Mapping & Output Lighting for Serato DJ here.

Sticker Lock
- Serato DJ now includes the classic hidden feature of Scratch Live (sticker sync), now called Sticker Lock.
- Sticker Lock allows you to align a sticker on your vinyl with cue points in your track, saving you from having to look at the screen to see where you are.
- Watch a detailed tutorial video on Sticker Lock in this blog post.
Instant Start For Motorised Platters
- Instant Start is now added for all controllers with motorised platters. To enable, turn your controller’s start time knob to the zero position.
Echo Out Serato Scratch Live For Mac
Support for Serato Remote 1.2
- Serato Remote 1.2 introduces Play, Sync, Quantize and Cue Point Name Display features for Serato DJ users of the Remote. There are also minor stability improvements in this update.
- Watch an overview of all available features available with Serato Remote 1.2 in this blog post.
Other Improvements
- Improved audio quality when scratching with Keylock
- New Smart Crate icons colored blue
- Time elapsed/remaining available in all views
- 2 Decimal Place BPM display option
- New Echo Out effect available in the free Wolf Pack FX Expansion Pack.
Maintenance and Bug Fixes
Serato DJ 1.7.2 also includes a large amount of maintenance and a huge number of bug fixes, continuing the unparalleled level of stability and performance that Serato software is renowned for.
Some examples of the bug fixes are:
- We’ve implemented a workaround for an issue that users reported with DVS hardware on Mac OS X. This issue would firstly cause an audible dropout, then the control vinyl or CDs would respond slowly when controlling the software. The workaround means that the vinyl or CD latency does not occur.
- Short audible dropouts on mac not resolved by USB buffer.
- Crash when connecting to firewire soundcards.
And the full release notes:
9 December, 2012
New Features
Echo Out Serato Scratch Live Download
- Sticker Lock
- MIDI output lighting
- Instant Start for motorised platters when start time set to zero
- 2 Decimal Place BPM display option
- Toggle time elapsed/remaining for Library, Stack and Offline views
- MIDI Map individual Loop Roll sizes (alt + click)
- 32/64 bit floating point WAV/AIFF file support
- Echo Out effect added to Wolf Pack
- Continuous library scrolling with navigation buttons (MIDI panel and Vestax VCI-300)
- Saved Loop Mode for Pioneer DDJ-SR (shift + roll)
Other Changes
- Support for OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- Updated Rane Drivers for all Rane Devices for mac
- Increased Audio Dropout Light threshold
- Keylock improvement when scratching at low speeds with DVS
- Serato DJ login online window remembers login details between sessions
- My Serato panel update
- Blue Smart Crates
Bug Fixes
- Large Latency introduced after audible dropout on mac with DVS devices
- Short audible dropouts on mac not resolved by USB buffer
- Using browse knob jumps to top of crate after using search function
- Sorting by color does not respect color palette
- Crash when connecting to firewire soundcards
- iTunes library not found on Win 7 when iTunes Library is not in default location
- Hot Cue pads sometimes don’t light up on the Pioneer DDJ-SX2
- Video files load slowly on Mac 10.9 OSX and above
- Searching the library causes waveforms/virtual decks to freeze
- Clicking on the loop time of the currently active loop switches the loop off
- iTunes playlist folders always open expanded in Serato DJ
- Sort and jump to BPM doesn’t jump to the correct BPM
- Repeat Track does not work when Serato DJ is in Offline mode
- Saved loop/manual loop state is not copied when instant doubling
- Clearing played track history causes hang
- BPMs not showing in history sessions
- Sample Buttons on Numark Mixtrack Edge Don’t Load to Sample Slots
- Noise Threshold preference not copied across from Scratch Live if available
- Cue and Load incorrectly mapped on Reloop Beatmix 2
- Exiting DJ while an iTunes library is still loading causes a crash on exit
- Various history columns not visible and unable to edited
- TAP button does not light up on Numark NSFX
- Track skip/jumps when scratching with 45RPM
- 2’s Compliment data type not working correctly for MIDI mapping
- Loop Flip slot defaults to Loop ON when saved and ON/LOOP are both off
- Flip Cue Trigger during playback doesn’t handle “Play From First Cue Point”
- Right click to change Cue Point colour does not work on Windows
- 3 Deck Stack view displayed on unsupported devices when hot plugging
- Instant doubling doesn’t turn an active Flip off if it’s on, on the target deck
- Pioneer DDJ-S1 should not have AUX drop down option in Recording Panel
- Stop time not respected after Loop Rolling
- CDJ Loop Recall button not working correctly on supported CDJs
- Empty Cue Points buttons not dimly lit on Rane Sixty-Eight
- CDJs are displaying the incorrect remaining time while in HID mode
- Right click on columns in the History panel does not work
- Offline Player not limiting correctly on Windows
- Decks pause during autoplay when same track loaded to different decks
- Offline player not running at correct sample rate after disconnecting hardware
- When not using CDJ HID mode (but connected) the library knob controls Serato DJ
- Sometimes incorrect saved loop is activated directly after activating a different saved loop, then instant doubling
- Various crashes and hangs
Download Links
Echo Out Serato Scratch Live App
1.7.2? Feels more like a 1.8 to me. The MIDI out is huge for a lot of people, and will perhaps attract more people to the arcane and ever-changing task of mapping secondary controllers. Perhaps this is another step to a fuller mapping experience within Serato DJ.
The one feature that marks 1.7.2 as the “can you all just ditch Scratch Live already?” is Sticker Lock. This is the scratch friendly former easter egg that lets you line up your vinyl sticker with cue points easily.
The other biggie is support for Serato Remote 1.2. This brings more features to Apple’s iOS devices, but we’ll cover that in the next story. I would recommend reading the above list though as some of the smaller glossed-over details could well be major draws to some people.
As ever, Serato DJ 1.7.2 is available today.
Scratch Live 2.1.1 (Legacy)
What's new in Scratch Live 2.1.1?
- Ultra Knob effects for 1 Knob performance control of advanced effects.
- 32 new Ultra Knob effects and 28 new Super Knob effects including 'Echo Out' and '1 Knob HP/LP Filter'.
- Plug and Play support for the Novation Dicer Scratch Live controller.
- Full integration with the Pioneer CDJ-2000 and CDJ-900 in 'Advanced HID Mode' including library navigation, album art, overview display, and responsive platter control.
- Support for The Bridge*, which allows DJs to playback Ableton Live sets through Scratch Live, trigger clips within Scratch Live from the Ableton Player and record mixtapes as a multi-track Ableton file.

Read more about The Bridge.
*The Bridge is free for anyone who owns
- Serato Scratch Live compatible hardware, and
- A registered version of Ableton Live 8.
Known Issue for Video-SL users:
Certain MP4 files have been known to cause stability problems with Scratch Live 2.1.1. If you are playing MP4 video files, we recommend using Scratch Live 2.0 with Video-SL until Scratch Live 2.2 is released. Scratch Live 2.0 can be downloaded by clicking here.
Read the full Scratch Live 2.1.1 release notes.